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The Village Hall is located at:
147 S. Michigan, Bradley, IL 60915
815 936 5100

About the Commission

The Planning and Zoning Division of the Community Development Department is responsible for current and long-range planning, interpreting the zoning ordinance, overseeing proposed rezonings, annexations, special use permits, and variances, reviewing site plans, subdivision plats, planned developments and other new development proposals as they relate to the overall growth of the Village.  The Division carries out these responsibilities by working collaboratively with residents, developers, other Village Departments, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Village Board of Trustees.

Planning Documents

Comprehensive Planning & Zoning Application Packet

This application packet is to be used for the following requests:

  • Change of Zoning
  • Special Use Permit
  • Zoning Upon Annexation
  • Planned Development
  • Preliminary Development Plan, Final Development Plan
  • Variance
  • Appeals
  • Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, Final Plat of Subdivision

Community Development Department


  • Mon - Fri: 8AM - 4:30PM

    Closed from Noon - 1pm daily

Key Contacts

Bruce Page
Email Bruce Page

Planning and Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) is an advisory body to the Village Board.  The following types of cases are brought before the PZC:   text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, change of zoning, special use permits, zoning upon annexation, planned developments, variance requests, development plans and subdivision plats. From these meetings, the PZC makes reports and recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees.  All advisory decisions of the PZC are subject to final consideration, evaluation, and determination by the Village Board of Trustees.

The Bradley Planning and Zoning Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Village Board room located at 147 S. Michigan Avenue.  For more information on the Planning and Zoning Commission contact the Community Development Department at (815) 936-5100.

Public Hearing Requirements

An application for a meeting that involves a public hearing requires proper notice.  These specific instructions are meant to be a summary of some rules and a helpful guide to the public hearing process.  An applicant is encouraged to review the Zoning Ordinance as it shall govern.