Nicor Gas Improvement Initiative
A Nicor Gas System Improvement Initiative is a multi-year initiative to modernize aging natural gas infrastructure.
Project Related
Bill McDonald: 224.268.7179
Landscaping & Paving
Curtis Myers: 815.272.9241
Village of Bradley
Public Works
Job Openings
Published Date | Closing Date | Job Title | Department/Classification | Description | Application |
May 5, 2023 | December 31, 2023 | Street & Alley Worker | Public Works | Read More | Application |
May 5, 2023 | December 31, 2023 | Maintenance Workers | Public Works | Read More | Application |
About the Department
Public Works is responsible for the construction, care, and cleanliness of all public streets, alleys, sidewalks, and other public ways. The department shall see to it that all gutters and drains on all public streets, alleys, and driveways function properly and are kept free from defects.
The department shall supervise the lighting of the public streets and alleys and shall keep the lighting system in efficient operation and good repair.
The superintendent of Public Works shall further be charged with the enforcement of all ordinance provisions relating to public streets, sidewalks, and public ways, except traffic ordinances, and is authorized to enforce such ordinances.
Areas of Responsibility
Retention Ponds
Leaf Collection
Leaf Vac will run two weeks in the spring and four to six weeks in the fall. Follow these simple directions:
- Leaf collection will be on a weekly schedule.
- Place leaves in rows along the easements.
- Neighborhoods with sidewalks next to the curb should rake leaves to grass edge next to sidewalk.
- Do not rake leaves into the streets because this can cause storm sewers to become clogged in rain.
- These are leaf machines; they only pick up leaves.
- To prevent damaging the machines, make sure there are no rocks, branches, or other solid materials in the leaf piles.
- Do not park vehicles near rows of leaves because we can’t reach the leaves with the vac.
- Brown paper yard-waste bags can be used instead of leaf vac and are also picked up on your regular garbage day.
Snow Removal
Snow removal to clear the streets for the efficient movement of traffic after a three-inch snowfall forbids, by ordinance, any motor vehicles from being parked on village streets according to the following priority schedule:
1. All subdivisions and north-south streets
2. All east-west streets
3. All alleys
Plows will first make a path down the middle of all streets then will continue the above schedule until streets are cleared from curb to curb. Alleys will be plowed after all streets are cleared.
Any vehicles parked in violation of ordinance will be considered a hazard to traffic and a public nuisance and may be removed by an authorized towing service designated by the Police Department. Towing and storage shall be at the owner’s expense as well as any fines that may be imposed.
Disabled or elderly residents with special needs
Contact the Street & Alley Department at 815-933-3715. A heavy snowfall is difficult for everyone and the cooperation of all village residents is appreciated.
Winter Snow Reminder
The Village of Bradley experienced a winter season last year that broke records. The area saw snow amounts that exceeded averages, as well as temperatures that chilled us to the bone. Some say this year could be a repeat of last year. The Public Works Department is ready for the snow with eight (8) large trucks, four (4) pickup trucks, as well as other specialized snow removal equipment.
Public Works begins a snow removal operation when streets start to become slippery. When forecasts show imminent accumulations of snow or ice, Public Works may pre-salt some streets in anticipation of the weather moving in.
The Village has been partitioned into eight (8) distinct areas, referred to as Snow Routes A thru H. View the Snow Route Map. Each snow route is further broken down into sections. This organization allows management to communicate with snow plow drivers as they work through their assigned routes to address snow removal efficiently. The State clears snow from Rt.45 (Kennedy Dr.), and Rt. 50 (Kinzie Ave.). The County clears snow from Armour Road, and 5000 (St. George Road). Additionally, the Township is responsible for clearing parts on Cardinal Drive north of Larry Power Road.
There are two Ordinances residents need to be aware of that outline parking on the street, and blowing or shoveling snow into streets. First, Ordinance # Sec. 52-139 (Snow removal) states after 3” of snow a north/south parking plan goes into effect in central and east Bradley. The plan allows our snow plow drivers to clear the snow from the streets as effectively and safely as possible. In addition, the ordinance states neighborhoods with homes that have driveways fall under the 3” rule as well. The Ordinance states cars must be moved off the street after snow accumulates to 3” so roads can be cleared of snow, after snow removal operations have been completed cars can once again be parked on the street. The second Ordinance # Sec. 44-217 (Placing snow in streets, alleys, right-of-way declared unlawful) states it is unlawful to place snow from your property into any street, alley, or Village right-of-way. Putting snow in a street or alley that has already been plowed causes a hazard for the area residents.
Often times we find that residents start clearing the end of their driveways before our snow removal operation is complete. This causes some to become frustrated when our trucks return to a neighborhood to perform the final “curb pass”. Plowing all the way to the curb is important for drainage when snow starts to melt. If storm drains are not exposed it makes it difficult for melting snow to find its way to the storm sewer system. Please wait until the snow stops completely, and our trucks have made their final curb pass, before you clear the end of your driveway. And remember, placing the snow from your driveway into the street is illegal.
Road Construction
Be aware of road construction during the summer months. This part of the site will be updated as known or estimated dates become available.
Street Cleaning
The street sweeper will run on weekly schedule during the second week of the months April through October. Do not park on street at these times.
Special Pickup
Call Bradley Public Works at 815-936-5100 for work orders to pick up many large items, tires, cement, etc. or for more information. The additional charge for special pickup items will be on your monthly sewer bill.
Brush / Branch Collection Information
- Brush/Branch collection is conducted on a monthly basis within the corporate limits of the Village of Bradley from April through September.
- It is for residents only
- The Village is divided into two sections
- Section 1 is WITHOUT alleys
- Section 2 is WITH alley
- Section 1 pickup will begin on the first Monday of the month..
- Section 2 pickup will begin on the third Monday of the month
- While the collection begins on Monday, it may take more than one day to complete our route. Please be patient.
- Your pile should not exceed 2’ in height, 2’ in width, and 10’ in length.
- The brush/branch pick up program is for disposal of “trimmings” and not for the complete take down of a tree. Disposal of large trees can be handled by a professional tree service or you may arrange for a “special pick up” through the village and have a service fee added to your sewer bill.
Storm Water Management
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requires communities such as the Village of Bradley to complete a General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 (commonly referred to as MS4 Permit). The MS4 permit authorizes the Village to discharge to surface waters of the state.
Explore the various parks and amenities within the Village of Bradley. If you are interested in renting a space, please contact the village hall.

Lil’s Park
1373 East North Street
Bradley, IL 60915
Baseball Diamonds – Pavilion- Picnic Tables – Playgrounds – Restrooms – Fitness Trail

R.O. Martin Sports Complex
Bradley, IL 60915

Ponikvar Park
Playground – Tennis

Franklin Park
Picnic Areas – Playground – Tables

Glenn’s Park
Picnic Areas – Playground – Tables

John’s Park
SE Corner of Jefferson and Liberty
Bradley, IL 60915
Baseball/Softball – Playground

Lion’s Park
Bradley, IL 60915
Picnic Areas – Playground – Tables

Cap Estates Park
Neighborhood Park

Helgeson Park
Bradley, IL 60915
Picnic Tables – Playgrounds – Perry Trail Access

Blatt Park
Bradley, IL 60915
Basketball – Playground – Tennis
Jeanette Park
Bradley, IL 60915

Legion Park
Bradley, IL 60915
War Memorial
Bradley, IL 60915
Neighborhood Park
Quail Park
Bradley, IL 60915
Basketball – Playground – Tennis
Rudy’s Park
Bradley, IL 60915
Basketball – Playground – Tennis

Northfield Park
Trash Collection
Household Garbage
All household garbage is to be placed out for pickup by 6 a.m. on your regular garbage day. Household trash should be placed inside the toter.
If additional containers are needed, please call or email customer service of your service provider.
If you are in need of an extra pickup or require a large container for a special cleanup, contact your service provider.
Yard Waste
Yard waste service is provided from April 1 through November 30 on your regular garbage pickup day.
There are three ways to dispose of your yard waste:
- Apply the “Yard Waste” sticker to your own 35-gallon container. “Yard Waste” stickers are available at the Village Hall or by calling customer service. The stickers are used to identify yard waste containers and are available at no charge.
- Place all waste in biodegradable brown paper yard waste bags. Yard waste bags can be found at local hardware and grocery stores.
Yard Waste contaminated with trash will not be serviced. A sticker notifying the resident of contamination will be placed on the yard waste. Yard waste in plastic bags is not acceptable.
Please Note
Tree branches must be bundled in a maximum 2-foot in diameter and 4 feet in length and should weigh no more than 40 pounds. Tree branches in excess of 2 inches in diameter will not be removed by Allied.
We no longer accept E-Waste as all E-waste is to be taken to Belson’s Steel Center & Scrap, located at 1685 N State Route 50, Bourbonnais, IL 60914.
Brush / Branch Collection Information
- Brush/Branch collection is conducted on a monthly basis within the corporate limits of the Village of Bradley from April through October.
- It is for residents only
- The Village is divided into two sections
- Section 1 is WITHOUT alleys
- Section 2 is WITH alley
- Section 1 pickup will begin on the first Monday of the month..
- Section 2 pickup will begin on the third Monday of the month
- While the collection begins on Monday, it may take more than one day to complete our route. Please be patient.
- Your pile should not exceed 2’ in height, 2’ in width, and 10’ in length.
- The brush/branch pick up program is for disposal of “trimmings” and not for the complete take down of a tree. Disposal of large trees can be handled by a professional tree service or you may arrange for a “special pick up” through the village and have a service fee added to your sewer bill.
Bulk Trash Collection
Bulk item service (including white goods and minor remodeling waste) will be provided weekly on your regular service day. If you have excess bulk items (white goods, furniture, mattress, etc.), please contact our customer service department for a special pickup and pricing.
Residential Providers
Residents are responsible for the set-up or cancellation of your services.
Holiday Schedule
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
Recyclable Items
Recycle toters are marked for recycling only.
Toters cannot be contaminated with trash! A sticker notifying the resident of contamination will be placed on the toter.
Please Note
The 95-gallon totes for recycling should not contain yard waste or trash.
Acceptable Recycling Items Include:
- Aluminum and Tin
- Bimetal Materials
- Cardboard
- Chipboard
- Glass
- HPDE Plastics
- LDPE Plastics
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Office Paper
- PET Plastics
- Telephone Books
Recycling Guide
Paper/Other Fibers
White/Colored Copy Paper, computer paper, glossy paper, envelopes, newspaper, telephone books, file folders, magazines, junk mail, post-it notes, paper bags and cardboard. *Staples are acceptable.
Plastic Containers:
Plastic containers marker #1- #7 (excluding only #6). Including water and pop bottles, milk and juice jugs, margarine/butter tubs, yogurt cups, ketchup bottles, household cleaners, coffee creamer containers, etc. Trays from frozen meals can also be recycled so long as they are rinsed clean.
Tin and Aluminum Cans:
Empty cans including pop and soup cans.
Glass Bottles & Jars:
Empty clear and colored glass bottles/jars.
Not Accepted
Paper/Other Fibers:
No carbon paper, self-stick labels, gum/candy wrappers, tissue paper, waxed paper, paper cups, or paper towels.
Plastic Containers:
No plastic marked #6 (including take-out containers, Styrofoam, packing peanuts, CD/DVD covers, etc.) No film plastic (plastic bags, saran wrap, etc). No plastic silverware.
Tin and Aluminum Cans:
No aerosol cans or foil.
Glass Bottles & Jars
No flat glass, light bulbs, dinnerware, ceramics, or Pyrex.
Electronic Recycling
By State law, effective January 1, 2012, the following items will be banned from landfills and no longer picked up by garbage collections:
Personal Computers
Electronic Mice
Cords & Cables
Paper Shredders
Copy / Fax / Scanners
Speakers / Stereo Systems
UPS ( Batter Pickups)
Palm Books / Hand-Helds
Adding Machines
Telephones / Cell Phones
CB / Two-way Radios
Printers (laser, inkjet, etc)
Video game consoles
Hard Drives
Postage Machines
Answering Machines
VCR, DVD & laser disc Players
Digital Clocks
Cameras (film, digital, etc.)
Game Controllers
CD Rom/Zip/Tape Drives
Typewrites / Word Processors
Portable Radio / CD Players
CDs, DVDs, Floppy Discs, etc.
String Light (Holiday lights on wires)
Electronic Recycling
Drop-off Location
Belson’s Steel Center & Scrap
1685 N State Route 50, Bourbonnais, IL 60914