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The Village Hall is located at:
147 S. Michigan, Bradley, IL 60915
815 936 5100

Archives: News Posts

News Posts

Notice of Public Forum – AQUA

Please take notice that public forums are scheduled for the following locations, dates, and times:

Monday, July 29, 2024
7:00 PM – 9:00
PM McHenry County College
Luecht Auditorium
8900 US Highway 14
Crystal Lake, IL 60012

Thursday, August 1, 2024
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Olivet Nazarene University
Wisner Auditorium
One University Ave.
Bourbonnais, IL 60914

The forums are being held for the purpose of receiving public comment concerning the proposed change in Aqua Illinois, Inc.’s rate schedules for water and wastewater service that is pending before the Illinois Commerce Commission in Docket No. 24-0044.
While one or more members of the Illinois Commerce Commission might attend, a Commission staff member, serving as a public forum officer, will preside.

Any questions or concerns regarding a public forum may be directed to Jim Zolnierek, Illinois Commerce Commission, at 217 /785-5278.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the service of Aqua Illinois, Inc., please contact Aqua Customer Service at 877.987.2782 or visit

David C. Carter
Aqua Illinois, Inc.
1000 S. Schuyler Avenue, Kankakee, IL, 60901 • 815.935.8800 •

New Program – Business Association

The Village of Bradley is always looking for more innovative ways to stay connected with our local businesses and the community. As a result, we are providing all of our businesses with this QR code that allows you to update all of your information on one easy to use form. Please help us to more efficiently communicate with all of you by filling this out and emailing it back to or dropping it off at the Village of Bradley Records Department.

There is no charge for this service!


E-Waste Electronic Recycling

The state mandated electronic waste program is managed by the county. They have contracted with Belson Scrap and Steel (1685 n. State route 50 Bourbonnais, IL 60914) to be the single point of recycle. All residents of Kankakee County are authorized to drop their electronic waste at their site, located at 1685 N State Rt 50, Bourbonnais. Their hours of operation are Mon – Fri 08:00am until 3:30pm and Saturday 08:00am until 12:00pm. This is the only drop site within Kankakee County. Please call 815-932-7416 for further details.

Junior Grand Marshals of the 37th Annual Bradley Lighted Christmas Fantasy Parade

Bradley Children Ages 6-10 register for your chance to be…
“Miss Merry Christmas” or “Master Jack Frost”

Junior Grand Marshals of the 37th Annual Bradley Lighted Christmas Fantasy Parade

The winners will ride in the parade down Broadway on Friday, December 2nd at 6:30 p.m.!
The theme for this year’s parade is “Candy Land Christmas“.
All children must have their parent’s permission & signature on entry form to be eligible.
Entries available at the Bradley Police Department, 147 S. Michigan Avenue, and Bradley Public Library, 296 N. Fulton.

Entries must be received by 4:00 p.m. November 18.
Winners will be contacted by telephone. See you all at the parade!

For more information, find us on Facebook or email

RFQ – Phase I, II, III Engineering

Request for Qualifications – Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III Engineering
Perry Farm to W Broadway Shared Use Path
Village of Bradley, Illinois

The Village of Bradley is requesting qualifications for Consulting Engineering Firms to perform Preliminary Engineering, Right of Way Acquisition, and Construction Engineering services for an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant awarded to the Village.  The project is located along Herman and Park Place to Croswell then north to Perry Street to connect to the existing Perry Farm Bike Path.


The services to be provided under this project are described in the Scope of Services section of this proposal.  All work must be in accordance with Village and IDOT standards as required for approval.


The Project will consist of the following:

Design and Construction of a new 10’ wide concrete offroad shared use path along Croswell Avenue from Perry Street to Park Place and on street bike lanes along Herman Place and Park Place from Croswell Avenue to Kennedy Drive (Route 45).  No signal modifications are


The funding of the Preliminary and Construction Engineering portions of the project will be funded 100% by ITEP.  The selection of the consultant will follow the Qualification Based Selection for Consultant Engineering Services (QBS) process outlined in chapter five of IDOT’s Bureau of Local Roads and Streets manual.


  • Provide engineering services for the Village in accordance with IDOT approved design standards and policies.
  • Attend all meetings and visit the site of the proposed improvement at any reasonable time when requested by representatives of the Village or IDOT.
  • Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the planning and design of this project.
  • Prepare the necessary environmental and planning documents including the Project Development Report, Environmental Class of Action Determination or Environmental Assessment, State Clearinghouse, Substate Clearinghouse and all necessary environmental clearances.
  • Perform soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement in accordance with IDOT requirements.
  • Prepare preliminary roadway and drainage structure plans and meet with representatives of the Village and IDOT at the site of the improvement for review of plans prior to the establishment of final vertical and horizontal alignment, location and size of drainage structures, and compliance with applicable design requirements and policies.
  • Complete the general and detailed plans, special provisions and estimate of cost in accordance with IDOT requirements.
  • Provide the Village with survey and drafts of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easements, and staking as needed.



  • Attend IDOT Preconstruction meeting with all parties to discuss project schedule and issues.
  • Conduct a local preconstruction meeting on site to discuss and concerns, commitments, or issues.
  • Set up field books, quantity books, diary, and other forms of documentation including ICORS.
  • Provide a resident engineer for required daily activities such as: observing the progress and quality of the work and determining if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Maintain site presence when the contractor is working. Disapprove any work failing to conform to the contract documents and immediately inform City and IDOT representatives. Verify that there are no deviations from the contract documents unless authorized by City and IDOT representatives.
  • Keep inspector’s daily reports and quantity book records up to date. Also maintain project diary noting all necessary observations. Advise if contactor is falling behind schedule. Submit weekly reports from ICORS to IDOT and the City.
  • Provide geometric control including all construction staking and construction layouts.
  • Coordinate all Quality Assurance services in accordance with IDOT practices and procedures. Provide qualified personnel to perform testing for all materials.
  • Inspect, document and inform the Village of the maintenance of traffic control in accordance with IDOT standards.
  • Prepare all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records, documentation and reports required by the Village and IDOT for approval.
  • Provide revised contract drawings to reflect as built conditions.
  • Engineering services shall include all equipment, instruments, supplies, transportation and personnel required to perform the duties of the engineer.
  • Obtain material acceptance certifications as materials are incorporated into the project to expedite project closeout
  • Monitor and document erosion control and ensure conformity with the plans and standards.
  • Perform final inspection with the lDOT, the City representative, contractor, and all applicable utilities to finalize punch list. Document the items in the final punch list and submit them to the contractor for close out. Verify completion of all work and provide a recommendation to City.
  • Prepare record drawings. Submit the drawings in a hard copy and digital form.
  • Verify that all documentation is accomplished and that all material inspections and certifications have been accounted for and are complete.
  • Provide all documentation associated with the final balancing change order and final pay estimate.
  • Complete job box and conduct all audit(s) with IDOT. The job box will remain property of the City.
  • Close out project with IDOT within a reasonable time frame after all construction is completed.



Please submit three (3) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of your firm’s qualifications for services by 10:00 AM, Friday, September 20, 2021. Questions related to this RFQ should be submitted by email to Khamseo Nelson (  All questions must be received by 10:00 am on Monday, September 16, 2021.

SOQ’s should be mailed or dropped off in a sealed envelope marked “Village of Bradley – ITEP Route 45 to Perry Farm  SOQ” to Khamseo Nelson, 147 S. Michigan Avenue, Bradley, Illinois 60915.  A digital version should be emailed to

All submittals must be complete and accurate and will be limited to 5 pages in length.  Review and selection of consultants shall be completed by September 30, 2021

Submittals should include:

  1. Introduction

That includes the following information: name of firm, local address, telephone number, fax number, name of contact person, location of branch offices, if any, and states in which your firm is licensed to practice.

  1. Project Approach

This section should include the following:

  • A description of the firm’s thorough understanding of the scope of the project.
  • A description of the firm’s proposed project team.
  1. Similar Project Experience
    • Provide four recent examples of projects within the last five years that are similar in nature to this project.
    • Include a description of each project, including location, client, and scope of professional services delivered by your firm and the project team that staffed the project (project manager, resident engineer, inspector(s), etc.), duration of the project, and project cost.


Preliminary Engineering Phase I & II services shall be completed and approved by IDOT for inclusion on a Statewide Letting by May 2023

Construction Engineering Phase III services shall coincide with the preconstruction meeting and construction schedule set by the contractor.  Construction is expected to be completed by September 2023.


The following items will be considered when evaluating the consultants:

  1. The education, experience, and expertise of the principals and key employees. (20%)
  2. The general experience, stability, and history of performance on projects similar to the one under consideration. (20%)
  3. Availability of adequate personnel, equipment, and facilities to do the required work expeditiously, with particular attention to their qualification, competence, and past performance. (20%)
  4. Description of the firm’s thorough understanding of the project including challenges. (20%)
  5. The completeness of the proposal as specified in the submittal requirements. (10%)
  6. Proximity of the engineering entity to the proposed project site and/or the agency’s office. And familiarity of the Village with the firm. (10%)

A selection committee comprised of staff from the village will evaluate the SOQ’s. The SOQ’s will be reviewed, evaluated, and scored, using the criteria and weights defined above. The selected consultant will be notified and a final scope and hours will be negotiated. The engineering agreement will be cost plus fixed fee format using the BLR 05611 form.


The estimated construction cost of the project is $200,000.

Back 2 Business Grant Information

Are you eligible?  Eligibility guidelines

  • Operating as a business in 2019. *If you started your business in 2020 you do not qualify for this grant.
  • Businesses with revenues of $20 million or less in 2019 and you made less in 2020. ($35 million or less for hotels)
  • You are given priority if:
    • Hard-hit industries – see full list here
    • Hard-hit areas – DIAs includes Kankakee, Bradley, Hopkins Park/Pembroke Township, Aroma Park
    • You have not received prior state or federal COVID funding (including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF), business Interruption Grant (BIG), Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG), and more)
    • Businesses that had less than $5 million in revenue in 2019

Required Documents:


Waste Pickup Date Change

Attention Bradley Residents:

Your waste pickup date is changing effective August 1st 2021.

Your current waste pickup day of FRIDAY’s will become obsolete and your new pick up day will be Wednesday’s.

Specifically, your new waste pickup date will begin on Wednesday August 4th and remain Wednesday’s.

In anticipation of this change and ongoing please be prepared to set your waste out to curb on Tuesday August 3rd or before 6am on Wednesday’s moving forward.

The benefit of this change will provide less interruptions due to holiday hauling schedules.

For additional information contact the Village of Bradley at 815-936-5100.

Waste Pick-Up Update

Garbage Fees

Waste Pick-up

Why did we do this? In January, 2012 the Village signed a contract that granted exclusive rights to Republic Services making them the sole source third-party garbage provider. The Village held multiple public meetings (April 15th & 21st and June 10th) over the last few months with the residents regarding garbage services. Both meetings were well attended, and the overwhelming majority of residents had spoken up in favor of the Village not forcing them into a third-party contract.


What does that mean? It means starting July 1st the Village will accept all qualified garbage companies who are interested in providing garbage pick up to residents and post the rates to our website. Each resident is free to choose any vendor listed on our website and the vendors contact information will be on the website as well.


When does it start? No need to rush, this does not mean you have to start July 1st, if you are happy with your current provider than you can stay with them. There are no long-term commitments now per Village Ordinance, therefore you are free to choose your vendor based upon price and customer satisfaction with a maximum commitment of 90 days. We will post a list of residentially licenses garbage haulers who have signed up with the Village by June 30th. We are hoping to have at least three to four vendors within the next few months.


How does affect you? If you are happy with the price and customer service with Republic Services, then all you must do is continue to pay your quarterly bill. If you are not happy and want to explore another option, then please visit our website and we will list all licensed residential garbage haulers with prices and contact information. If you do decide to leave Republic, please contact them to cancel as to avoid duplication of services.


All garbage days will continue to remain the same, except for Friday pickup. Beginning in August, Friday pickup has now been changed to Wednesday. First day of the new pick up will be August 4th.


What is the Village trying to accomplish? The Village is hoping that the change to a subscription-based garbage service leads to more provider options, thus lower prices for residents as well as better customer service. Which is indicative of the new special discount prices being advertised by your current provider.

Village of Bradley Feeding Mission Announcement

Hello All,


I hope you and your love ones are doing well! I know that there is still a need for
another Village feeding mission for our residents who are continuing to endure
through the COVID-19 pandemic, for this reason, I made a request for a grant
extension from FEMA. After a conference call today, I am happy to announce that
Village of Bradley will conduct another Village Feeding Mission for its residents
from March 20th -April 17th.


We will have more details on times, dates, and other logistics soon! Look for the
information to be posted on the Village of Bradley Facebook page and website.


The Village of Bradley team and I are continuing our hard work to find programs
and grants that will benefit the community through this unprecedented time.


Please stay safe and healthy,

Michael Watson
Mayor Pro-Tern

Quick Guide-Online Utilities Account Access

Online Billing Portal




Visit the billing portal and click on “Utility Building Payments” on the left-hand side of your screen.



There are two methods available for accessing your Bradley utilities account online.

  • Method #1 is a quick and convenient way to pay your bill. 
  • Method #2 requires registration and allows you to view historical consumption & billing information.

Method #1: PIN Only

With this method, your location ID or name or address or property tax pin #  and account PIN are all that is required. This method does not require you to set up a username and password. This method is ideal for residents or businesses with a single Bradley utilities account.  A search for your property will display a list of results.



At this point, you can select your property and enter your account PIN and proceed to pay.


Method #2: Username and Password

With this method, you are able to create a username and password for the website.  This method is ideal for residents or landlords with multiple Bradley accounts.  By logging in with your username and password, the utilities account PIN numbers you enter will be stored so that they will not be required in the future. A quick search for the property address will allow immediate access to detailed account information.


In the right-hand corner select register from the drop-down menu.



Fill out the required field in the “Create a New Account Section” section of the form.



At this point, please check the inbox of the email account under which you registered. You should have a message from containing the final steps for activating and using your online account.


Once you are signed in, the process for accessing your utilities account is the same as in Method #1, except that you will only be prompted for the account PIN the first time you access each property.


Should you have any questions, please contact the Bradley Utilities Customer Service Department at (815) 936-5105.

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