Mayor’s Memo

It is an honor to be appointed as Mayor Protem for the Village of Bradley. It is my goal to focus on the future by improving programs, introducing and implementing new ideas, revitalizing major parts of the village, and creating the best experience for the residents, businesses, and visitors of Bradley. I have a great team in place that have already rolled up their sleeves and begun working. It has been a busy few months and there has been a lot of progress made. Here are some of the positive steps the Board and I have already implemented which will result in dollars saved for village residents and businesses.
- Removed the previous Board’s 3% annual sewer rate increases. This will save residents and businesses $85k the first year alone.
- Repealed the telecom phone tax; saving the average household about $61.25 annually.
- Launched a new website to increase communication and transparency
- Reviewed and eliminated excessive merit incentives for administration
I believe that teamwork along with support of the community will equal success for the village. To that end, the Board and I are working on and planning projects in the Village. Here are some of the things we have begun to implement:
- We’ve taken Initiatives to revitalize Broadway and the mall area.
- We’ve hired SB Friedman to conduct a feasibility study on the mall area.
- Cost cutting to fix the Village’s six year deficit budget.
- Complete a fire assessment; the last one was done approximately 15 years ago.
- Complete a road assessment; this will be the first one ever conducted in Village of Bradley.
- Complete a dispatch assessment; long overdue.
Moving forward, the goal is to continue improving the infrastructure within the village to attract new businesses, to bring in more consumers to the area, along with generating more jobs and revenue.
I am always open to new ideas. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the team or myself. You can find our contact information on the website and in this newsletter.
The Village of Bradley has an exciting future ahead of it. I look forward to speaking with the residents about this future, revitalizing Bradley, and working as a team to accomplish all our goals.