Mayor’s Memo

I sincerely would like to thank all of Bradley citizens for your cooperation and remaining calm through the COIVD- 19 pandemic. We know there is a lot of uncertainty during this time of COVID-19 and we want you and your families to stay safe. Please continue to follow the governor’s executive orders for Shelter in Place and only go out for essentials through April 30, 2020. Meanwhile, please take advantage of this time to enjoy your family, get some spring cleaning done, and even take a few minutes to respond to the 2020 Census on line at You can also respond by phone or mail. Your response today will help our community for the next ten years.
The leadership and staff at the Village of Bradley are constantly getting updated information and have been working hard to pass pertinent information along to the public through our website, Village of Bradley Facebook page and newsletter. We will continue to post aid packages for businesses and supply contact information with links to organizations that provide financial and health information to our residents. If you need assistance with utilities below is the contact information.
ComEd or 1-800-334-7661
Nicor or 888-642-6748
Aqua or 877.987.2782
Republic Services or 815. 472.3332
Village of Bradley Sewer Bills
Pay Sewer Bill Online or 815.936.5100
The Village Hall is fully staffed, but with no access from the public at this time, again, please call (815) 936-5100 should you have any questions or need assistance. Both Bradley Police & Fire departments are fully staffed should anyone require assistance. We will continue to have Village Board meetings within the guidelines of the executive order and the OMA regulations. We have posted instructions on our website on what to do if you have public comment(s) or would like to attend in person.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out,
Stay Safe & Healthy,