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The Village Hall is located at:
147 S. Michigan, Bradley, IL 60915
815 936 5100

Village of Bradley

Village Board

About the Board

Bradley is served by a trustee form of government. Elected officials include the village president, village clerk, and six trustees who serve staggered four-year terms. Spring elections are held every odd year (2011, 2013, etc.).

The trustees serve at large, not from specific wards or precincts.

The Bradley Village Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth Monday each month at 6:30 p.m.

Committees meet as needed.

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting is on

April 14, 2025

at 6:30PM

Minutes & Agendas

Board Meetings Videos


View a video archive of the village board meetings. Videos may not be available immediately after a meeting.

Your Village Board

Bradley is served by a Trustee form of government. Elected officials include the Village President, Village Clerk and six Trustees who serve staggered four year terms.

Spring elections are held every odd year.

Michael Watson

Michael Watson

Mayor & Trustee
Julie Tambling

Kelli Brza

Village Clerk
Darren Westphal

Darren Westphal

Brian Billingsley

Brian Billingsley

Ryan C LeBran

Ryan C LeBran

Brian Tieri

Brian Tieri

Grant Vandenhout

Grant Vandenhout

Brian Tieri

Gene Jordan
