Second Community Forum
Thanks to all who attended the forum. See below for a recap or to submit feedback!
Corridor Plans for Kinzie/Route 50 & West Broadway
The Village of Bradley is developing plans for the Kinzie/Route 50 and West Broadway corridors to guide future development and investments in these major areas. We heard your feedback from the first Community Forum and are holding a final forum to share ideas to help transform these major corridors.
Questions? Contact Pamela J. Hirth – Assistant Community Development Director – at (815) 936-5100 (option 7) or email at pjhirth@bradleyil.org.
You are all invited! We hope to have an interactive community forum that can engage and excite everyone.
6:00 Village Welcome and Introductions.
6:05 Kinzie/Route 50 Corridor Feedback, Planning Considerations and Discussion.
6:55 West Broadway Corridor Feedback, Concepts and Discussion.
7:45 Next Steps.
Ways to Participate
Online Forum Link – Zoom
Join by Phone: +1 (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 959 0946 9146
Participate from Village Hall
You are also welcome to participate from Village Hall at 147 S. Michigan Avenue.