Village of Bradley
Clerk’s Office
About the Office
The Village Clerk’s office has numerous responsibilities according to our Village Code and the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Elected to a four year term, the part-time Village Clerk and the full-time appointed Deputy Clerk are always available to help the residents of Bradley who may have questions. Duties of the Village Clerk include the following: Keeper of Village seal, attest and seal all Village documents, maintain record of all Village documents, maintain Village ordinances, resolutions and proclamations, keep register of all licenses and permits, attend meetings of the corporate authorities and keep a full record of their proceedings.
Records & Information
- Ordinances
- Meeting schedules
- Meeting agenda, minutes and resolutions
- Village policies and administrative procedures
- Legal notices
- Employee names, titles, and dates of employment
- Records of Village ownership of real or personal property
- Contracts
- Contractors’ records of their employees on public works of the Village
- Annual budgets
- Tax levies
- Audit reports
- Annual financial statements
- Bills or invoices issued and received by the Village
- Receipts for revenue
Freedom of Information Act.
Exemptions under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act may allow non-disclosure of some parts of public records maintained by the Village.
Any and all notices of foreclosure should be sent to the Bradley Village Clerk, 147 S. Michigan Avenue, Bradley, IL 60915.
Public Participation at Meeting
The Bradley Village Board approved an ordinance on November 27, 2010 creating rules for public participation at all public meetings.
The public is asked to provide their name and address along with the topic they wish to speak about on the sign-up sheet prior to the start of the meeting.
The presiding officer will call each person when the time is appropriate during the meeting.
Kelli Brza
Village Clerk

Khamseo Nelson
Deputy Clerk

ALL FOIA’s MUST be emailed to